Amy Valenzuela CPA
International Accounting & Tax Advisory Services
Business Budgets
A business budget is one of the most fundamental tools of management, serving as a guide to improving your bottom line, controlling costs, introducing new product lines and more. Yet the idea of working with a business budget is foreign to many executives, and seemingly too overwhelming and time-consuming for others.
To help our clients overcome these barriers to more effective management, we offer budgeting assistance. From simple expense-focused budgets to complex departmental and multiple-entity budgets, we work with you to create a budget based on your level of need.
Benefits of a Business Budget
Serves as a planning and decision-making tool, allowing you to run scenarios to show the impact of purchases, hiring decisions, price changes and more
Creates a framework for managing expenses
Provides measurement tools and benchmarks
Helps prepare for emergencies or revenue slowdowns
Helps management think strategically
Betters your understanding of expenses relative to revenue generation
Enhances internal control when budget variances are investigated
Provides projections to better manage long-term cash
Alerts you to the need to adjust your plan based on differences in budgeted versus actual numbers
Helps shift management responsibilities for expenses to departments